No. 32 (2022): Discography as a Scientific Source

In this year’s edition of the journal Musicology, special attention will be paid to sound sources in musicology and ethnomusicology and, through the main theme of issue 32, the consideration of the products of the record industry as scientific sources is affirmed. The six studies in this section cover a wide range of topics, from the first commercial 78 rpm records to contemporary editions of incidental music and the latest releases of folk music, including the legal regulation of copyright and the interaction of the early record industry and radio as a new medium. The examples are related to the different national productions and contexts of Bulgaria, Croatia, Lithuania and Serbia. The Varia section presents five original, thematically and methodologically diverse studies of musicological, ethnomusicological, anthropological and interdisciplinary profiles. Part of the research published in the Main theme section presents the results of the project Applied Musicology and Ethnomusicology in Serbia: Making a Difference in Contemporary Society (APPMES) of the Institute of Musicology SASA.