No. 18 (2015): (Ethno)Мusicology at the Turn of the Millennium (I)

Cover pages of the 18th issue of the journal Musicology.

In this current time of transition from one millennium to another, humanistic disciplines are still being developed, simultaneously with a turnaround regarding thematic directions and study methods. Conceived trends in thinking and research are being reshaped and receive new guidelines, in parallel with contemporary ideas and significant, sometimes radical, changes in society and culture, with new forms of communication, using different media. Besides this, ideological starting points are also continually being reshaped. At the same time, there are new experiences and achievements in the humanities, and the discourse methods encompassed are increasingly based on experiences of the most varying theoretical approaches. The new fields in which processes are unfolding in the domain of social and cultural trends, as well as their general reception and perception, also condition changes in perspective in the observation of certain processes in musical culture, the context of musical performance, and even the structures of actual musical texts. The lively interest in these phenomena has determined the main theme for works in this and the next edition of Musicology: (Ethno)Musicology at the Turn of the Millennium. This edition encompasses a wide spectrum of current questions in the fields of musical, religious, traditional, and popular music, as well as in the area of multimedia art expression. 

Published: 13.04.2022

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