Applied Musicology: A “manifesto”, and a case study of a lost cultural hub



applied musicology, APPMES, Institute of Musicology SASA, Savamala, lost cultural hub


In this article I present a “manifesto” of the new discipline of applied musicology, which is closely related to the project Applied Musicology and Ethnomusicology in Serbia: Making a Difference in Contemporary Society (APPMES), supported by the Serbian Science Fund. Here I wish to outline some of the main aims and goals of this project and offer a broader insight into what applied musicology should strive to become. In the second part of the article, I present a case study of the Belgrade neighbourhood of Savamala where I conducted fieldwork before formulating the concept of applied musicology; nevertheless, this research is completely aligned with the aims and purposes of the new discipline, and it has helped me to turn my intuitive insights into a comprehensive theoretical concept.


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How to Cite

Medić, Ivana. 2022. “Applied Musicology: A ‘manifesto’, and a Case Study of a Lost Cultural Hub”. MUZIKOLOGIJA-MUSICOLOGY, no. 33 (December). Belgrade, Serbia:87-102.