“Two Wild and Crazy Guys‚ and a Gal” – Unresolved Trauma and Balkan Stereotypes in the Music of Emir Kusturica’s Film Podzemlje (Underground)



Unresolved trauma, Balkan stereotypes, Emir Kusturica, Goran Bregović, self-Balkanisation


One of the manifestations of unresolved trauma is associated with the use of Balkan stereotypes and self-Balkanisation in films. In this paper, I explore the connection between unresolved trauma and the music used to express Balkan stereotypes, focusing on a case study dedicated to Goran Bregović’s soundtrack for Emir Kusturica’s film Podzemlje [Underground] (1995). I analyse the track “Mesečina [Moonlight]” featured in the film, and observe how the music goes hand in hand with the portrayal of some of the main characters as “wild Balkan men” associated with a myriad of negative characteristics and stereotypes.


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How to Cite

Djordjevic, Ana. 2024. “‘Two Wild and Crazy Guys‚ and a Gal’ – Unresolved Trauma and Balkan Stereotypes in the Music of Emir Kusturica’s Film Podzemlje (Underground)”. MUZIKOLOGIJA-MUSICOLOGY, no. 36 (June). Belgrade, Serbia:104-19. https://muzikologija-musicology.com/index.php/MM/article/view/117.