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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word or OpenOffice document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text has 1.5 line spacing; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are sent separately from the text with their places indicated.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

General Instructions

For General Instruction in pdf format click here for the English Variant and here for the Serbian one.

Papers should be submitted by e-mail to the Editorial Board of the Musicology Journal via email: [email protected]

Authors are required to submit their contributions in either Serbian or English, including an abstract and keywords in both languages. In addition, the submission includes the summary in English (if the main text of the study is in Serbian) or in Serbian language (if the main text of the study is in English). The editors will translate the abstract, keywords, and summary to Serbian for non-Serbian-speaking authors.

Texts should be typed in MS Word program or equivalent, font Times New Roman, font size 12, line spacing 1.5, margins 2.5 (top and bottom, left and right). If the author needs to use alphabets which utilize specific glyphs, the fonts used must also be supplied. Double quotation mark should be used for quoted material within a text (for example “”), while single quotation mark should be used for quotes within quotes (for example ‘’). Between years and page numbers the en dash should be used ( – ).

The maximum size of a submitted article (in sections Main Theme and Varia) is 40,000 characters (with spaces), including an abstract (up to 600 characters), keywords (up to 5 words), a summary in English language (regardless of the language of the main text) of up to 2,000 characters, as well as examples, appendices, and illustrations. The list of references is not counted in this maximum word count. Scientific reviews (in the section Reviews and Polemics) and texts in the occasional sections such as In memoriamJubilee, etc. should not exceed 9,000 characters (with spaces).

By submitting a manuscript authors warrant that their contribution to the journal is their original work, that it has not been published before, that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, and that its publication has been approved by all co-authors, if any, and tacitly or explicitly by the responsible authorities at the institution where the work was carried out.

Authors are exclusively responsible for the contents of their submissions, the validity of the experimental results and must make sure that they have permission from all involved parties to make the data public.

Authors wishing to include figures or text passages that have already been published elsewhere are required to obtain permission from the copyright holder(s) and to include evidence that such permission has been granted when submitting their papers. Any material received without such evidence will be assumed to originate from the authors.

Authors must make sure that only contributors who have significantly contributed to the submission are listed as authors and, conversely, that all contributors who have significantly contributed to the submission are listed as authors.

The deadline for submission of papers is 1 March (for the first volume) and 1 September (for the second volume) of the current year. Manuscripts are pre-evaluated at the Editorial Board in order to check whether they meet the basic publishing requirements and quality standards. They are also screened for plagiarism.

Authors will be notified by email when their submission has been received. Only contributions which conform to these instructions will be accepted for peer-review. Otherwise, the manuscripts will be returned to the authors with observations, comments and annotations.

The manuscripts are assessed by anonymous reviewers, so authors should remove any information within their texts that could be used to identify them.


Paper Layout


The first page should contain the following information:

  1. the full name of the author/s, affiliation and residential address;
  2. contact information (e-mail and telephone number).

The second and third pages should contain the full title of the paper, abstract, key words and a summary without information that refers to the author’s identity. If necessary, authors can include a short note after the title, marked with an asterisk, to acknowledge sources of financial or professional support.

The main text should start on the fourth page. It can be divided into sections according to the author’s preference. Chapters need to be indicated with Small Caps, while sub-chapters ought to be written in italics.

On the first page of the study, the title of the study, abstract and affiliation should first be given in English and then in the language in which the study will be published.

The abstract should contain a short review of the research methods used and the most important results of work, so that its original text can be used in referential periodicals and databases. Do not include citations in the abstract.

Keywords (no more than five) are listed in a separate line at the end of the abstract. Keywords should be relevant to the topic and content of the paper. An accurate list of keywords will ensure correct indexing of the paper in referential periodicals and databases.

The summary should contain an explanation of the main research directions, motives, methods applied, presumptions and conclusions.

Photos, drawings and other illustrations should be of good quality. Additional graphics are to be submitted as follows: drawings in the format of Line art, with a resolution of 600 dpi, and photos with a resolution of 300 dpi.




The Editorial Board of the Musicology journal has chosen to utilize the Chicago bibliographic format of references, which has two variants: notes and bibliography and author-date. The Musicology journal requires the use of the author-date variant.

Any reference to monographs, articles or other sources should be indicated in the text by giving the surname of the author and the year of publication in parentheses, e.g. (Samson 1998). If you are quoting part of a text it is necessary to indicate the exact page number, e.g. (Samson 1998, 50). If there are references to several publications written by the same author/s and published in the same year, these should be differentiated using alphabet letters a, b, c, (e.g. 2010a). If you are making references to several publications written by different authors at once, it is necessary to respect chronological order, e.g. (Samson 1998; Rice 2007; Cross 2008). If there is more than one author / editor of publications it is necessary: a) either to write the surnames all the authors (up to three), e.g. (Blažeković and Mackenzie Dobbs 2009), (Milanović, Milin, and Lajić Mihajlović), b) or to use Latin abbreviation “et al.”, but only if there are more than three authors / editors, e.g. (Bay et al. 2017, 465). If the same source is cited several times consecutively in the text, the reference need only be cited the first time, after which it can be noted (Ibid.) if you are quoting from the same page in the original or (Ibid., page number) if you are quoting from a different page.

Footnotes should only be used for important observations, and marked with Arabic numerals, in font size 10 without space.

LIST OF REFERENCES is placed after the main text and must only consist of sources mentioned in it. It should be written in alphabetical (Latin) order of the authors’ surnames. References in the list should be in Latin script, and if the original references are written in Cyrillic script, it is recommended that the Library of Congress standard for transliteration should be used. For Modern Greek, please use ISO 843 standard. When citing bibliography in the list of references – references in Russian, Modern Greek, Oriental languages etc. – they should be first given in Latin transliteration. After the Latin bibliographic form, please provide the original form separated with the slash. Please follow the scheme: Latin transliteration / original reference.

Depending on the type of publication, each reference should contain the following information:

a) book

One author
Samson, Jim. 1998. Chopin. New York: Oxford University Press.
In the text: (Samson 1998) (Samson 1998, 10)

Two or more authors
Grazer, Brian, and Charles Fishman. 2015. A Curious Mind: The Secret to a Bigger Life. New York: Simon & Schuster.
In the text: (Grazer and Fishman 2015, 12)

Editor(s) instead of author
Medić, Ivana, and Ivan Moody, eds. 2021. The Life and Work of Rudolf Bruči. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Editor, translator, or compiler in addition to author
Vasiljević, Miodrag A. 2003. Narodne melodije s Kosova i Metohije. Edited by Zorislava M. Vasiljević. Beograd-Knjaževac: Beogradska knjiga-Nota.
In the text: (Vasiljević 2003)

Dolar, Mladen. 2012. Glas i ništa više. Translated by Iva Nenić. Beograd: Fedon.

b) chapter in an edited book

Cross, Jonathan. 2008. “Paradise Lost: Neoclassicism and the Melancholia of Modernism”. In Rethinking Musical Modernism, edited by Dejan Despić and Melita Milin, 55–64. Belgrade: Institute of Musicology SASA.
In the text: (Cross 2008)

c) journal article

Rice, Timothy. 2007. “Reflections on Music and Identity in Ethnomusicology”. Muzikologija/Musicology 7: 17–37.
In the text: (Rice 2007)

Lajić Mihajlović, Danka and Radovanović, Bojana. 2022. “Black (metal) epics: Remediation of tradition in the case of Gavranovi from Serbia”. Metal Music Studies 8 (2): 225–243.
In the text: (Lajić Mihajlović and Radovanović 2022, 225–226)

d) unpublished material (thesis, dissertations, articles, archival documents, etc.)

Southall, Humphrey R. 1984. “Regional Unemployment Patterns in Britain, 1851 to 1914”. PhD diss., University of Cambridge.
In the text: (Southall 1984)

e) Book or article published electronically

If a book is available in more than one format, cite the version you consulted. For books or articles consulted online, list a URL or the name of the database in the reference list entry. If no fixed page numbers are available, you can include a section title or a chapter or other number.

Austen, Jane. 2007. Pride and Prejudice. New York: Penguin Classics. Kindle.
Borel, Brooke. 2016. The Chicago Guide to Fact-Checking. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. ProQuest Ebrary.
Kurland, Philip B., and Ralph Lerner, eds. 1987. The Founders’ Constitution. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Melville, Herman. 1851. Moby-Dick; or, The Whale. New York: Harper & Brothers.

In the text:
(Austen 2007, chap. 3)
(Borel 2016, 92)
(Kurland and Lerner 1987, chap. 10, doc. 19)
(Melville 1851, 627)

f) Archival sources

Aleksijević, Vlastoje D. s.a. Savremenici i poslednici Dositeja Obradovića i Vuka Stef. Karadžića. Biographical-bibliographic material, Vol. 3, National Library of Serbia, Department of Special Funds, Manuscripts (signature P 425/3).

g) Sound examples
Marić, Ljubica. 2011. Muzika zvuka za magnetofonsku traku (fragments). Belgrade: Institute of Musicology SASA.

h) Anonymous works (no listed author) 

Stanze in lode delta donna brutta. 1547. Florence.

A True and Sincere Declaration of the Purpose and Ends of the Plantation Begun in Virginia, of the Degrees Which It Hath Received, and Means by Which It Hath Been Advanced. 1610. London.

In the text:
(True and Sincere Declaration 1610)
(Stanze in lode delta donna brutta 1547) or (Stanze 1547)


[Hawkes, James?] . 1834. A Retrospect of the Boston Tea-Party, with a Memoir of George R. T. Hewes. By a Citizen of New-York. New-York.

In the text: ([Hawkes?] 1834)


Anonymous. 2015. "Our Family Secrets." Annals of Internal Medicine 163, no. 4 (August): 321.

In the text: (Anonymous 2015)

i) Unknown date of publication

When the publication date of a book or other work cannot be ascertained, the abbreviation n.d. takes the place of the year in the reference list entry and text citations. Though it follows a period in the reference list, n.d. remains lowercased to avoid conflation with the author's name; in text citations, it is pre­ ceded by a comma. 

Nano, Jasmine L. n.d. Title of work…

In the text:

(Nano, n.d.)


j) Forthcoming 

Forth­coming can stand in place ofthe date in author-date references. It should be reserved for books under contract with a publisher and already titled but for which the date of publication is not yet known. If page numbers are available, they should be added in the reference.

Faraday, Carry. Forthcoming. "Protean Photography." In Seven Trips beyond the  Asteroid Belt, edited by James Oring. Cape Canaveral, FL: Launch Press. 

In the text :

(Faraday, forthcoming)


Tables, charts, images, or musical examples should be placed at the end of the text before the list of cited literature. They should be labeled with appropriate numbers (in the order of appearance in the text) and followed by the title that describes them. The title of a table or a music music should be indicated in front of the table, and the title of an image, chart or figure below them. In the text, there should be clear indications pointing to a table, chart, picture or musical example — e.g. “See Table 1” or “See Figure 2”. For more details and more examples please consult the printed or online edition of The Chicago Manual of Style.


Musical Examples, Tables, Illustrations, Plates, Figures, and Appendices


Tables, musical examples, figures etc. should be given at the end of the text before the list of cited works. They should be marked with an adequate number (in the order of appearance), and followed by captions that describe them. A notice should be given in an appropriate place in the text that refers to a table, example or image, e.g. “see Table 1” or “see Image 2”.

Appendices should be indicated by letters in order (Appendix A, Appendix B, etc.) and followed by titles/headings which describe them. If there is only one appendix, it should be titled “Appendix”, without any additional letter.


Final Remarks


The Editorial board kindly reminds authors to follow these instructions and respect deadlines. Incomplete contributions and those that do not follow predefined technical standards will not be published.

After positive reviews and proofreading or copyediting, the Editorial Board will ask authors to revise their texts according to the given suggestions and to resubmit the text by the final deadline.

Prior to final preparations for printing the authors should check their papers in two instances: after the reviewer’s interventions and after the page layout process.


The maximum size of a submitted article (in sections Main Theme and Varia) is 40,000 characters (with spaces), including an abstract (up to 600 characters), key words (up to 5 words), a summary in English language (regardless of the language of the main text) of up to 2,000 characters, as well as examples, appendices, and illustrations. The list of references is not counted in this maximum word count.

Reviews and Polemics

Scientific reviews (in the section Reviews and Polemics) and texts in the occasional sections such as In memoriamJubilee etc. should not exceed 9,000 characters (with spaces).

In Memoriam, Jubilee

Scientific reviews (in the section Reviews and Polemics) and texts in the occasional sections such as In memoriamJubilee etc. should not exceed 9,000 characters (with spaces).

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.